GoSwift has participated in several research processes and development works
The purpose of the the eFTI platform and data exchange service development project is to ensure the digitisation of the data used in freight transport and thus increase the efficiency of processes. The planned eFTI platform and the data exchange service will meet as a minimum the functional requirements of Regulation 2020/1056 of the European Parliament for eFTI environments, and all other clarifications related to said Regulation or local regulations imposed by Estonia.
The introduction of the platform will make it possible to dispense with the paper documents and the manual data processing that are predominantly used today. The processing of paper documents leads to a time-consuming transmission of information, which in turn leads to inefficiencies in the entire chain: goods movement planning, invoicing, and payments. eFTI platform enables the Customers, Consignors and Carriers to create, sign, modify and forward, and for authorised National Authorities to view electronic freight transport documents.
Private sector companies will be able to use the platform and the data exchange service based on licence or transaction fees, while authorised public authorities will be able to make information requests free of charge during the period of the service.
Project financed by the European Union NextGenerationEU fund.
Financed by EU: EUR 183 165,10
Self-financing: EUR 220 979,56
Total budget: EUR 404 144,66
The vehicle arrival scheduling system allows to save costs in the logistics chain, especially for transport companies, but also to automate vehicles access control (eg entrance and exit), plan the forklifts and loading platforms/areas or any other resources needed to load goods, arrange parking, manage traffic in limited areas with dynamic signs and collect data and charges if necessary. The system is easy to implement – it is cloud-based and modular, easy to integrate with other systems, easy to translate, and has great export potential.
The main goal is to enlarge company business activities into B2B markets – it is planned, that 2 years after the start of the project expected growth of turnover and profitability will start, which will significantly increase the company’s export turnover and overall profitability.
Amount financed by the EU’s European Regional Development Fund: EUR 444,039.00
Self-financing: EUR 148,013.00
Total budget: EUR 592,052.00
The duration of the project is 24 months, from August 2020 until August 2022.
Contact: madis.sassiad{at}
Eliko Competence Centre Project, collabing with GoSwift (EU486693), runs between 01.07.2015-30.06.2022.
Eliko, in collaboration with GoSwift, launched an Internet of Things (IoT) driven industrial R&D program in 2015. The aim is to help companies develop competitive products through active collaboration with universities. This is to ensure that companies invest in future-proof technologies in the IoT.
The program has two focus areas. Projects under the first area, sensing and signal processing in the IoT, develop algorithms suitable for compact and energy efficient electronic devices. Better energy efficiency is essential for future connected applications. In this project, GoSwift is focusing on creation and configuration of a new server environment.
The program includes 22 industry-led R&D projects in a range of fields. The Competence Centre Project is financed by the European Regional Development Fund with 6 996 700 euros.
Predictive and mining algorithms for behavioural analysis and performance assessment
GoData is a project initiated by GoSwift and carried out by the University of Tartu. The objective of the project is to use data mining, process mining and predictive algorithms to enhance the customer experience and increase the efficiency of the GoSwift service.
The project is financially supported by the EU’s European Regional Development Fund, within the programme “Support for Applied Research in Smart Specialisation Growth Areas”, and the objective “Information and communication technology (ICT) horizontally through other sectors”.
The duration of the project is 18 months, from May 2017 until October 2018. The budget of the project is 83 333 EUR, with an EU co-financing of 58 333 EUR.
Contact: sebastien.mure{at}

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